Peer Reviewed

Fiat, A. E., Thayer, A. J., Miller, F. G., Thibodeau, E. L., & Cook, C. R. (2023). Exploring the Relationship Between Parent Mental Health and Children’s Academic Coping. School Mental Health, 15(3), 913-926.

Distefano, R., Fiat, A. E., Merrick, J. S., Slotkin, J., Zelazo, P. D., Carlson, S. M., and Masten, A. S. (2021). NIH Toolbox Executive Function Measures with Developmental Extensions: Reliability and Validity with Preschoolers in Emergency Housing. Child Neuropsychology.

Cook, C. R., Duong, M. T, Zhang, Y., Fiat, A. E., Long, A. C., Coco, S. L., & Renshaw, T. (2018). Cultivating positive teacher–student relationships: Experimental pilot study of the Establish, Maintain, and Restore (EMR) Method. School Psychology Review, 47(3), 226-243.

Thayer, A. J., Cook, C. R., Fiat, A. E., Chase-Bartlett, M., Kember, J. M. (2018). Wise feedback as a timely intervention for at-risk students transitioning into high school. School Psychology Quarterly, 47(3), 275–290.

Cook, C. R., Duong, M. T., Kent, M., Fiat, A. E., Larson, M. F., Pullman, M., & McGinnis, J. (2018). Addressing discipline disparities for black male students: Linking malleable root causes to feasible and effective practices. School Psychology Review, 47(2), 135–152.

Cook, C.R., Fiat, A. E., Larson, M., Daikos, C., Slemrod, T., Holland, E., Thayer, A. J., Renshaw, T. (2018). Positive greetings at the door: evaluation of a low-cost, high yield proactive classroom management strategy. Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions, 20(3), 149-159.

Larson, M., Cook, C. R., Fiat, A. E., & Lyon, A. (2018). Stressed teachers don’t make good implementers: Examining the interplay between work overload and intervention fidelity. School Mental Health, 10(1), 61-76.

Fiat, A. E., Cook, C.R., Xie, S., DeCano, P., Renshaw, T.L., Zhang, Y., Merrick, J.S. (2017). Mentoring to promote ​courage and confidence among elementary school students with internalizing problems​: A pilot ​study using single-case design. Journal of Applied School Psychology, 33(4), 261-287.

Cook, C.R., Grady, E. A., Long, A. C., Renshaw, T., Codding, R. S., Fiat, A. E., Larson, M. (2016).  Evaluating the impact of increasing general education teachers’ ratio of positive-to-negative interactions on students’ classroom behavior. Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions, 19(2), 67-77.

Cook, C.R., Miller, F.G., Fiat, A. E., Renshaw, T., Frye, M., Joseph, G. (2016). Promoting secondary teachers’ wellbeing and intentions to implement evidence-based practices: Randomized evaluation of the ACHIEVER Resilience Curriculum. Psychology in the Schools, 54(1), 13-28.

Masten, A.S., Fiat, A.E., Labella, M.H., Strack, R.A. (2015). Educating homeless and highly mobile students: Implications of research on risk and resilience. School Psychology Review, 44(3), 315-330.